Really Good Plants

We offer propagation material for fruiting plants that are not common in the nursery trade but deserve a broader placement in home gardens. About us.

We are accepting orders. See the information here about the December 2024 sale.

Information about some varieties is available via the links in the table, or on Marta’s blog and on Marta’s YouTube channel (check both tabs or click the magnifying glass to search).

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Fruits and seeds

Sorry, we have sold out of everything for now.

SKU Description Price
Avail. Total
Scionwood and cuttings
Apple (Malus domestica)
SKU Cultivar Price
Avail. Total
RGP-432 1 × Ashmead Kernel scion (see blog) $6. 19
RGP-436 1 × Bietigheimer Coloma scion (see video) $8. 12
RGP-341 1 × Cinnamon Spice scion (see blog) $8. 4
RGP-372 1 × Columnar Scarlet Sentinel scion $6. 7
RGP-344 1 × Cripps Pink scion (see video, blog) $6. 10
RGP-443 1 × Cripps Red scion (see video, blog) $6. 7
RGP-1275 1 × Gold Rush scion $6. 2
RGP-462 1 × High Street scion (see blog) $8. 12
RGP-371 1 × Hokato scion (see video) $8. 4
RGP-1278 1 × Hopple's Antique Gold scion $6. 4
RGP-370 1 × Lowland Raspberry scion (see blog) $10. 5
RGP-1279 1 × Macou scion $6. 4
RGP-361 1 × Pepin Litovskii scion (see blog, video) $12. 12
RGP-378 1 × Pepin Shafranyi scion (see video, blog) $12. 19
RGP-342 1 × Pervenec Samarkanda scion (see blog) $12. 10
RGP-1272 1 × Red Astrakhan scion $6. 4
RGP-1276 1 × Red Gravenstein scion $5. 9
RGP-345 1 × Reinette Simirenko scion (see blog) $10. 27
RGP-433 1 × Sierra Beauty scion $6. 10
RGP-353 1 × Spitzenburg scion $6. 4
RGP-1273 1 × Stardust scion $6. 4
RGP-445 1 × Winter Banana scion $6. 12
Apricot (Prunus armeniaca)
SKU Cultivar Price
Avail. Total
RGP-677 1 × Afghanistan scion (see video) $8. 37
RGP-681 1 × Ak Luchak scion $8. 9
RGP-730 1 × Albasun scion (see video) $8. 19
RGP-713 1 × Altair 4 scion (see video, video) $8. 49
RGP-682 1 × Canada White scion $6. 35
RGP-820 1 × Deinocot scion (see blog, video) $6. 36
RGP-685 1 × Gagai Tanani scion (see video) $6. 34
RGP-718 1 × Hassan Krasnyi scion (see video) $8. 24
RGP-710 1 × Iskra 4 scion $8. 40
RGP-712 1 × Iskra 8 scion $8. 29
RGP-678 1 × Jack London Ranch JL8 scion (see video) $6. 24
RGP-1101 1 × Krymsk scion $10. 23
RGP-715 1 × Large Early Montgamet scion $6. 4
RGP-693 1 × Lasgerdi Mashhad scion (see video, blog, video) $8. 33
RGP-1080 1 × Losse Blenheim scion $8. 2
RGP-728 1 × Luchak #6 scion $8. 19
RGP-706 1 × Luchak White scion $8. 19
RGP-741 1 × Luchak White #3 scion $8. 34
RGP-680 1 × Moniqui scion (see blog, video) $8. 7
RGP-1100 1 × Nicole scion $6. 14
RGP-726 1 × Orangered scion (see video) $6. 35
RGP-696 1 × Red Sweet scion (see blog) $6. 32
RGP-688 1 × Seedling of Gagai Tanani scion (see video) $6. 8
RGP-701 1 × Seedling of Small White scion $6. 29
RGP-679 1 × Shekar Pareh scion (see video) $6. 46
RGP-750 1 × Tabriz scion $8. 9
RGP-1094 1 × Waugh scion $8. 9
Avocado (Persea americana)
SKU Cultivar Price
Avail. Total
RGP-1698 1 × Aravaipa scion (see video, video, blog) $10. 28
RGP-848 1 × Ganther scion (see video) $10. 14
RGP-860 1 × Mexicola Grande scion (see video) $10. 1
RGP-1689 1 × Royal Wright scion (see blog) $10. 6
RGP-861 1 × Zutano scion (see video) $10. 7
Carob (Ceratonia siliqua)
SKU Cultivar Price
Avail. Total
RGP-1673 1 × Santa Fe scion $25. 5
Cherry sour (Padocerus M X Duke Novoselka X Pamjat Vavilova)
SKU Cultivar Price
Avail. Total
RGP-236 1 × Almaz scion (see video, blog) $12. 2
Cherry sour (Prunus cerasus)
SKU Cultivar Price
Avail. Total
RGP-131 1 × Amarena di Pescara scion (see video, video) $10. 32
RGP-132 1 × Balaton scion (see blog, video) $8. 24
RGP-133 1 × Bell Magnifique scion (see video, blog) $8. 9
RGP-144 1 × Bianco Rosato di Piedmonte scion $6. 39
RGP-193 1 × Chornokorka scion $12. 15
RGP-147 1 × Csengodi Csocros scion (see blog, video) $8. 34
RGP-175 1 × Danube scion (see blog, video) $8. 30
RGP-205 1 × Duke scion (see blog) $8. 29
RGP-139 1 × Favorit scion (see blog, video) $15. 11
RGP-141 1 × Jubilee scion $8. 23
RGP-199 1 × Kantor Janosi scion $8. 3
RGP-146 1 × Lutovka Rose scion (see video) $12. 6
RGP-192 1 × Meteor scion $10. 7
RGP-198 1 × Oblachinskaya scion (see video, blog, video) $10. 23
RGP-202 1 × Pamjat Vavilova scion (see blog, video) $8. 39
RGP-231 1 × Pandy 38 scion (see video) $8. 40
RGP-184 1 × PV hybrid 1 scion (see blog) $6. 29
RGP-127 1 × Rosii di Istrita scion $12. 10
RGP-178 1 × Shatten Morello scion (see video) $6. 18
RGP-134 1 × Studencheskaya scion $10. 20
RGP-201 1 × Sumadinka scion (see blog, video) $12. 27
RGP-137 1 × UZ1 scion (see video, blog, video) $15. 7
RGP-129 1 × Vladimirskaya scion (see blog, video) $8. 9
Che (Maclura tricuspidata)
SKU Cultivar Price
Avail. Total
RGP-1131 1 × Chul-Ri scion $9. 5
RGP-1129 1 × Huang-Kum #3 scion $9. 6
RGP-1130 1 × Huang-Kum #4 scion (see video) $9. 1
RGP-525 1 × Oregon Exotics Female scion (see blog, video, blog) $12. 10
RGP-524 1 × Oregon Exotics Male scion (see blog, video, blog) $8. 27
Elaeagnus latifolia (Elaeagnus latifolia)
SKU Cultivar Price
Avail. Total
RGP-1608 1 × Chuck scion (see blog) $7. 8
Feijoa (Acca sellowiana)
SKU Cultivar Price
Avail. Total
RGP-787 1 × Abbadabba scion (see video) $12. 2
RGP-1861 1 × Albert's Supreme scion (see blog) $12. 7
RGP-790 1 × Chesterwoody scion (see video, video, blog) $12. 7
RGP-792 1 × Cosmos scion (see blog) $12. 9
RGP-783 1 × Den's Choice scion (see blog) $12. 10
RGP-1860 1 × Lickver's Pride scion (see blog) $12. 16
RGP-831 1 × Marion scion (see blog) $12. 11
RGP-800 1 × Marjane scion (see blog) $12. 4
RGP-835 1 × Moore scion (see video) $12. 2
RGP-797 1 × Oktoberfest scion (see blog) $15. 12
RGP-794 1 × Tagan II scion (see blog) $12. 12
RGP-1910 1 × Unique scion $12. 1
RGP-793 1 × White Goose scion (see blog) $12. 3
Fig (Ficus carica)
SKU Cultivar Price
Avail. Total
RGP-656 1 × Algarve Unknown scion $10. 10
RGP-618 1 × A Sanguine scion $20. 1
RGP-606 1 × Bass Favorite scion (see video, video) $15. 17
RGP-633 1 × Black Tuscan scion (see video) $12. 21
RGP-601 1 × Bordissot Blanca Negra scion (see video) $10. 24
RGP-648 1 × Bourjasotte Gris scion (see video) $10. 19
RGP-602 1 × Bourjasotte Noire scion (see video) $8. 22
RGP-615 1 × Col de Dame Gris scion (see video) $7. 27
RGP-611 1 × Col de Dame Noir scion (see video) $7. 25
RGP-612 1 × Desert King scion (see video) $5. 21
RGP-640 1 × Emallyn's Purple scion (see video) $7. 15
RGP-609 1 × Figo Preto de Torres Novas scion (see video) $10. 28
RGP-600 1 × Galicia Negra scion (see video) $10. 28
RGP-599 1 × Genoviese Nero (AF) scion (see video, video) $10. 39
RGP-650 1 × Igo scion (see video) $8. 28
RGP-604 1 × Ischia Black scion (see video) $7. 13
RGP-603 1 × Martinenca Rimada scion (see video) $15. 3
RGP-622 1 × Negra d'Agde scion (see video) $12. 23
RGP-596 1 × Panache scion (see video) $5. 34
RGP-595 1 × PAS scion (see video) $7. 19
RGP-630 1 × Pastillier scion (see video) $8. 6
RGP-660 1 × Planera scion $12. 13
RGP-610 1 × Ponte Tresa scion (see video, video) $12. 30
RGP-659 1 × Red Lebanese scion (see video, video) $8. 5
RGP-664 1 × Tashkent scion (see video, video) $10. 14
RGP-625 1 × UCR187-25 scion (see video) $15. 2
RGP-635 1 × Valle Negra scion (see video) $7. 39
RGP-614 1 × Violette de Soleis scion (see video, video) $10. 33
RGP-605 1 × White Madeira #1 scion (see video) $12. 7
RGP-621 1 × Woodland Green scion (see video, video) $20. 14
RGP-662 1 × Yesilguz scion $8. 4
RGP-654 1 × Zidi scion (see video) $12. 13
Fig (Ficus carica X palmata)
SKU Cultivar Price
Avail. Total
RGP-616 1 × Palmata hybrid DFIC0023 scion (see video, video) $7. 41
Grape (Vitis vinifera)

We cannot ship grape scions to the state of New York, or to these counties in California:
El Dorado, Glenn, Lake, Mariposa, Mendocino, Napa, Nevada, Placer, Sonoma.

SKU Cultivar Price
Avail. Total
RGP-51 1 × Dan Sargentini August Muscat scion (see video) $8. 7
RGP-55 1 × Jupiter scion (see video) $8. 4
RGP-45 1 × Longyan scion (see video) $8. 10
RGP-60 1 × Muscat Alexandria scion (see video, video) $8. 5
RGP-42 1 × Muscat Angel scion (see video, video) $8. 17
RGP-58 1 × Suavis scion (see video) $8. 7
RGP-62 1 × Uzbek Bobak scion (see video) $8. 8
RGP-1833 1 × Uzbek White Kishmish scion $8. 2
Hawthorn (Crataegus)
SKU Cultivar Price
Avail. Total
RGP-457 1 × Red Sun scion (see video) $10. 5
Jujube (Ziziphus jujuba)
SKU Cultivar Price
Avail. Total
RGP-476 1 × Ant Admire scion (see video, video) $10. 23
RGP-478 1 × Autumn Beauty scion (see video) $10. 19
RGP-855 1 × Chico #1 scion (see video, video, video) $12. 36
RGP-853 1 × GA866 scion (see video, video) $12. 6
RGP-477 1 × Hidden Gem scion (see video) $8. 15
RGP-901 1 × Shanxi Li scion (see video) $10. 7
RGP-536 1 × So scion (see video) $8. 17
Kei Apple (Dovyalis caffra)
SKU Cultivar Price
Avail. Total
RGP-1862 1 × #8 Female scion (see blog) $8. 4
RGP-26 1 × Male #3 scion (see video) $8. 13
RGP-1863 1 × Not #8 Female scion (see blog) $8. 18
RGP-21 1 × Sweet Female #4 scion (see video) $12. 4
Kiwi golden (Actinidia chinensis)
SKU Cultivar Price
Avail. Total
RGP-71 1 × B29 Female scion (see video) $15. 7
RGP-69 1 × Golden Male #3 scion (see blog) $8. 4
RGP-70 1 × November Sunset Female scion (see video, blog) $12. 9
RGP-67 1 × October Sunrise Female scion (see video, blog) $15. 18
RGP-63 1 × SCV Female scion (see blog) $12. 8
Mulberry (Morus alba)
SKU Cultivar Price
Avail. Total
RGP-570 1 × Black Prince scion (see video, blog) $8. 17
RGP-559 1 × Buluklu scion (see video, blog) $8. 47
RGP-578 1 × Coloma Williams House Male scion (see blog) $6. 34
RGP-550 1 × Frank scion (see video, blog) $8. 29
RGP-568 1 × Galicia scion (see video, blog, video) $10. 31
RGP-1500 1 × Isfahan scion (see video, blog) $10. 36
RGP-1520 1 × Kan scion (see video) $15. 22
RGP-554 1 × Maple Leaf scion (see video, blog) $8. 54
RGP-1497 1 × Oscar scion (see video, blog, blog) $8. 24
RGP-1523 1 × Susidka scion (see video) $15. 2
RGP-541 1 × Tabriz scion (see video) $10. 45
Mulberry (Morus alba X rubra)
SKU Cultivar Price
Avail. Total
RGP-538 1 × Illinois Everbearing scion (see blog) $6. 12
Mulberry (Morus macroura)
SKU Cultivar Price
Avail. Total
RGP-546 1 × Australian Green scion (see blog, blog) $10. 23
RGP-545 1 × Himalayan DMOR9 scion (see video, blog) $15. 3
RGP-551 1 × Himalayan Naples scion (see video, video, video) $15. 5
RGP-543 1 × Himalayan Skinner scion (see video, video, blog) $15. 16
RGP-547 1 × Himalayan Steve Murray scion $12. 21
RGP-544 1 × Himalayan Taiwanese Long scion (see video, blog) $15. 22
RGP-558 1 × Pakistan scion (see video, blog) $8. 24
RGP-1907 1 × Pakistan White scion (see blog, blog) $10. 12
Mulberry (Morus nigra)
SKU Cultivar Price
Avail. Total
RGP-561 1 × Kaester scion (see blog) $12. 21
RGP-540 1 × Old Coloma scion (see blog) $12. 27
Pear Asian (Pyrus pyrifolia)
SKU Cultivar Price
Avail. Total
RGP-322 1 × Okusanchiki scion $8. 17
RGP-472 1 × Seuri scion $8. 17
RGP-326 1 × Shinko scion (see video, blog) $8. 9
RGP-1254 1 × Tenousi scion $8. 12
Pear European (Pyrus communis)
SKU Cultivar Price
Avail. Total
RGP-336 1 × Ayers scion (see video) $8. 18
RGP-325 1 × Barlett scion $5. 8
RGP-406 1 × Beurre D'Hiver scion $8. 5
RGP-396 1 × Beurre Hardy scion $8. 28
RGP-398 1 × Beurre Superfin scion $8. 1
RGP-392 1 × Buttira Rosato Moretini scion $8. 14
RGP-475 1 × Cancellar a la Cour scion $8. 5
RGP-410 1 × Comice scion (see video) $5. 16
RGP-329 1 × Dana Hovey scion $8. 18
RGP-399 1 × Fragrant Pear Korla scion $12. 3
RGP-393 1 × Harrow Delight scion $8. 17
RGP-328 1 × Joey's Red scion $8. 18
RGP-331 1 × Josephine de Malines scion $8. 8
RGP-459 1 × Magness scion (see video) $8. 22
RGP-397 1 × Monroe scion (see video) $8. 20
RGP-330 1 × MoonGlo scion $8. 13
RGP-404 1 × Orangevaya scion $8. 19
RGP-335 1 × Perdue scion (see video) $8. 9
RGP-391 1 × Red Clapps Favorite scion $8. 16
RGP-332 1 × Seckel scion $6. 19
RGP-1255 1 × Warren scion $6. 1
RGP-403 1 × Winter Nellis scion $8. 13
Persimmon American (Diospyros virginiana)
SKU Cultivar Price
Avail. Total
RGP-487 1 × American by the road 49 scion (see blog) $10. 7
RGP-485 1 × Early Golden scion (see video) $10. 10
RGP-483 1 × Garretson scion $10. 5
RGP-908 1 × Prusch scion $8. 9
RGP-882 1 × Service Bldg Coloma scion $10. 5
Persimmon Asian (Diospyros kaki)
SKU Cultivar Price
Avail. Total
RGP-490 1 × Fuyu Jiro scion $6. 1
RGP-532 1 × Grape scion (see blog) $12. 11
RGP-888 1 × Hana Fuyu scion $8. 10
RGP-498 1 × Incheon scion $8. 17
RGP-1348 1 × Kawabatu scion $8. 8
RGP-505 1 × Nishimura Wase scion (see video) $8. 13
RGP-497 1 × Rye Bread scion (see blog) $12. 4
RGP-892 1 × Thiene scion (see video) $8. 9
Persimmon Hybrid (Diospyros hybrid)
SKU Cultivar Price
Avail. Total
RGP-480 1 × Bliznetsnaja scion (see video) $10. 9
RGP-511 1 × David's Candy scion (see video) $10. 13
RGP-1915 1 × Gora Roman Kosh scion $12. 5
RGP-482 1 × JT-02 scion $12. 9
RGP-529 1 × Kasandra scion (see video, video) $10. 17
RGP-491 1 × NB02 Zima Khurma scion $12. 13
RGP-512 1 × NB21 Sestronka scion $12. 21
RGP-486 1 × Nikitskaya Bordovaja scion (see video) $12. 9
Persimmon Texas (Diospyros texana)
SKU Cultivar Price
Avail. Total
RGP-519 1 × #1 Female scion (see video) $10. 16
RGP-590 1 × #2 Female scion (see video) $10. 18
Pistachio (Pistacia vera)
SKU Cultivar Price
Avail. Total
RGP-811 1 × Kerman Female scion $8. 19
RGP-812 1 × Peter Male scion $8. 18
RGP-809 1 × Red Aleppo Female scion $8. 29
Pitanga (Eugenia uniflora)
SKU Cultivar Price
Avail. Total
RGP-1866 1 × Guaruja Red scion (see video, blog, blog, blog) $12. 14
Plum European (Prunus domestica)
SKU Cultivar Price
Avail. Total
RGP-303 1 × De Montfort scion $6. 19
RGP-1030 1 × Early Laxton scion $6. 7
RGP-299 1 × Late Transparent Gage scion $6. 24
RGP-262 1 × Mirabelle De Metz scion $6. 7
RGP-261 1 × Mirabelle De Nancy scion $6. 5
RGP-263 1 × Mirabelle Parfume de September scion (see video) $6. 8
RGP-304 1 × Muir Beauty scion (see video) $8. 18
RGP-1057 1 × Robe de Sergeant prune scion $6. 20
RGP-297 1 × Silver Prune scion $6. 8
Plum Myrobalan (Prunus cerasifera)
SKU Cultivar Price
Avail. Total
RGP-709 1 × Adara scion (see blog, video) $6. 7
Pomegranate (Punica granatum)
SKU Cultivar Price
Avail. Total
RGP-773 1 × Ariana scion (see video) $8. 24
RGP-774 1 × Girkanets scion (see video, blog) $8. 26
RGP-905 1 × Gissarskii Rozovyi scion (see video, blog) $8. 1
RGP-856 1 × Kyz-Bibi scion (see video) $8. 17
RGP-818 1 × Linda scion (see video, blog) $8. 16
RGP-858 1 × Ljubimyi scion (see video, blog) $8. 23
RGP-857 1 × Mola Nepes scion $8. 18
RGP-819 1 × Myatadzhy scion (see blog) $8. 22
RGP-1441 1 × Parfianka scion (see video) $8. 2
RGP-1911 1 × Seedling of Molar scion (see video) $8. 1
RGP-1596 1 × Sin Pepe scion (see video) $8. 3
RGP-1444 1 × Sumbar scion $8. 5
RGP-1446 1 × Sverkhrannii scion $8. 6
RGP-775 1 × Vina scion (see video, blog) $8. 21
Prosopis (Prosopis chilensis)
SKU Cultivar Price
Avail. Total
RGP-173 1 × Spineless scion (see video) $10. 9
Quince (Cydonia oblonga)
SKU Cultivar Price
Avail. Total
RGP-534 1 × Pineapple scion (see video) $8. 4
Senjed (Elaeagnus angustifolia)
SKU Cultivar Price
Avail. Total
RGP-1810 1 × Iranian scion (see video, blog) $7. 26
RGP-1115 1 × Seedling 1 scion $7. 10
RGP-1116 1 × Seedling 2 scion $7. 9
RGP-1077 1 × Seedling 3 scion $7. 20
RGP-1078 1 × Seedling 4 scion $7. 15
RGP-673 1 × Turkish scion (see video, video, blog) $7. 24
Sorbus (Sorbus domestica hybrid)
SKU Cultivar Price
Avail. Total
RGP-465 1 × Burbank A scion $8. 5
RGP-468 1 × Burbank C scion $8. 2
White Sapote (Casimiroa edulis)
SKU Cultivar Price
Avail. Total
RGP-1614 1 × Delta Gold scion (see video, blog) $12. 3
RGP-1890 1 × Golden Globe scion (see blog) $12. 5
RGP-863 1 × Lemon Gold scion (see blog) $12. 3
RGP-919 1 × Leroy scion (see video) $12. 1
RGP-1902 1 × Robert's Rainbow scion $12. 4
RGP-1898 1 × Suebelle scion (see blog) $12. 3

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Horticultural consultation

Marta can answer your questions at length and provide advice on growing fruiting trees in a backyard or small-scale farm setting.

For pricing and scheduling, email Marta at

About us

Really Good Plants is run by Marta Matvienko in Davis, California. Marta is a geneticist and lifelong gardener. Our mission is to make uncommon fruiting plants available to gardeners.

Our CDFA License to Sell Nursery Stock: C2491.001

(updated October 26, 2024)

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  1. Your order information is visible to PayPal.
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